Manage you critical configuration files with git
by Marc-Antoine Perennou on January 21, 2013
A few months ago, I decided to track my configuration files using git, which I use for pretty much everything now.
The problem I had to face is that some of them contain passwords, so I couldn’t let them as is.
Setting up the test environment
keruspe@Lou ~/tmp % mkdir test.git && cd test.git && git init --bare && cd ..
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/keruspe/tmp/test.git/
keruspe@Lou ~/tmp % mkdir test && cd test && git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/keruspe/tmp/test/.git/
keruspe@Lou ~/tmp/test (git)-[master] % git remote add origin ../test.git
Ok, we now have a remote repository in ~/tmp/test.git
and a working directory in ~/tmp/test
Configuring the working directory to be “password-safe”
keruspe@Lou ~/tmp/test (git)-[master] % git config filter.password.clean "sed -e 's/mypassword/@PASSWORD@/' -e 's/anotherpassword/@PASSWORD2@/'"
keruspe@Lou ~/tmp/test (git)-[master] % git config filter.password.smudge "sed -e 's/@PASSWORD@/mypassword/' -e 's/@PASSWORD2@/anotherpassword/'"
keruspe@Lou ~/tmp/test (git)-[master] % cat > .git/info/attributes << EOF
myconf.conf filter=passwordEOF
Ok, what’s going on there?
I’m creating a filter which I call “password”. A filter consist of two functions:
* clean is called on each file when you're committing, before creating the git objects corresponding to your commit.
* smudge is called when you checkout, each time git is recreating your working directory from the git objects.
You can note that this is not an in-place edition with sed, since I did not add the -i
argument, these commands are called during a piping process, not directly on files.
I then create a .git/info/attributes
file, in which I tell git to use my brand new “filter” password for the file myconf.conf
. You can use any pattern that git understands here, and can obviously add multiple lines.
Let’s now create the myconf.conf
file we mentioned earlier, let’s push it to the remote repository, and clone it from anywhere else, to see the result.
keruspe@Lou ~/tmp/test (git)-[master] % cat > myconf.conf << EOF
user = johndoe
password = mypassword
bddurl = root:anotherpassword@mysql.localEOF
keruspe@Lou ~/tmp/test (git)-[master] % git add myconf.conf && git commit -m "initial config" && git push origin master
master (root-commit) 46153a1] initial config
[1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 myconf.conf
Counting objects: 3, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 283 bytes, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To ../test.git
* [new branch] master -> master
keruspe@Lou ~/tmp/test (git)-[master] % cd ..
keruspe@Lou ~/tmp % git clone test.git test2
Cloning into 'test2'...
keruspe@Lou ~/tmp % cat test/myconf.conf
user = johndoe
password = mypassword
bddurl = root:anotherpassword@mysql.local
keruspe@Lou ~/tmp % cat test2/myconf.conf
user = johndoe
password = @PASSWORD@
bddurl = root:@PASSWORD2@@mysql.local
As you can see, in my ~/tmp/test
working directory, where I have my filter set up, nothing has changed at all, whereas in the brand new clone ~/tmp/test2
(and thus, in the server), all my passwords are masked and are not accessible. This way, you can track your configuration files using git and sharing it with other without even thinking of your passwords, as long as everything is in your filter.